100th Anniversary
About Jamboree Contigents
Our Contingent consisted of 11 Scouts who spent 45 days visiting Italy, Turkey, Syria, Lebanon, U.A.R. and Greece. Our Scouts were very happy to participate in the Talent-O-Rama. The Marathon Jamboree was an example of the high spirit of world brother Scouts and our Scouts made new friends even to the extent of 200 each.

Taher Tomi, Contingent Leader

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Marathon Courier
Marathon1963.com was constructed during the period January-July 2013, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 11th World Jamboree. It opened on August 1st, 2013, exactly 50 years from the opening at Marathon.
Hand-crafted from original material by the makers of the 1996 official tribute on proskopos.com. Dedicated to the 2nd Scout Troop of Patras, Greece.
Marathon Courier

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