100th Anniversary
About Jamboree Contigents
The Japanese contingent with a total number of 138 participants – 90 Scouts & 48 Leaders attended the Jamboree and the Contingent Leader was Dr. Hidesaburo Kurushima, International Commissioner & Chairman, National Executive Board of Directors.

The Japanese contingent consisted of contingent headquarters and 3 troops. The advance party of 5 headquarters staffs arrived at Marathon one week prior to the arrival of main party. The main party of 130 leaders and Scouts left Tokyo on July 28 abroad the Scandinavian Air chartered flight and arrived at Copenhagen early in the morning of July 29. They divided into two groups of 40 and 90. After making a sightseeing trip in Copenhagen city, one group of 40 advanced to Athens, reaching there on that evening. The other group stayed in Copenhagen and flew to Athens on the next morning. Both groups camped in on July 30, one in the morning and the other in the evening.

After the Jamboree and on August 12, the Japanese contingent excepting those attending the World Conference in Rhodes Island, took on 3 buses to make a goodwill visit to cities and towns in European countries enroute to London, England. They spent: August 12 in Greece, 13-17 in Yugoslavia, 18-19 in Austria 20 in West Germany, 21-24 in Switzerland, 25-26 in France, 27-30 in England and flew from London to Tokyo on August 31 via the Scandinavian chartered flight, arriving at Tokyo on September 2.

The contingent camped at four different subcamps as follows:

Contingent Headquarters: Delphi
No. I Troop: Leontis 17
No. 2 Troop: Hipothondis 24,
No. 3 Troop: Platea 19.

At the arena, the contingent displayed “Nippon-no-Omatsuri” (Japanese Festival) which was selected one of the features placed on the programmes of the World Scout Show at the Panathenian Stadium. Japanese folk song, dancing, colorful costumes and traditional moving shrine - all mixed up harmomously to depict vividly the atmosphere of the festival in Japan.

At the exhibition booth, Japanese handcrafts, such as lacquered ware, porcelains, bamboo works and etc. were displayed. Thousands of Scouts dropped in the Japanese booth to see the dexterity of Japanese arts.

On the night of August 6, at 8:00 o’clock, one set-firework and rocket fireworks of 80 different pieces were displayed. The fireworks were all brought to the Jamboree from Japan by ship and fixing works were completed by the Japanese Scouts only. The size of the set firework was approx. 50 metres by 15 metres, designed the symbol of the Jamboree. On the afternoon of August 8 the contingent provided a Sukiyaki Party for Jamboree staffs and contingent leaders of all participating countries. At the invitation of Dr. Kurushima. the contingent leader, more than 200 leaders attended. The highlight of this party was that the H.R.H. Crown Prince Constantine, the Chief Scout of Greece honored the contingent with His Hiehness’ presence.

Kazumi Kobayashi, Chief Scout Executive

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Marathon Courier
Marathon1963.com was constructed during the period January-July 2013, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the 11th World Jamboree. It opened on August 1st, 2013, exactly 50 years from the opening at Marathon.
Hand-crafted from original material by the makers of the 1996 official tribute on proskopos.com. Dedicated to the 2nd Scout Troop of Patras, Greece.
Marathon Courier

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